The Internal Medicine Department is composed of Dr. Lyanne Fifle and Dr. Romain Javard and Dr Romain Huvé. They are helped by their technicians, Hélène Ste-Marie, Karine Albert, Lyane Rodrigue-Charbonneau, Sandra Leduc , Éric Gauthier and Camille Mathieu.
The main challenge consists in determining the nature of the chronic or severe disease afflicting your pet. Our goal is to treat them in the best possible way in order to improve or maintain an adequate quality of life.
The internal medicine department works in close collaboration with other veterinary specialists as well as with our emergency department. Team work is excessively important in order to offer an optimal treatment and insure continual monitoring of our hospitalized patients.
We are in measure to offer a wide variety of onsite services such as:
- Complete laboratory with close collaboration with clinical pathologists
- Complete imaging service (digital imaging, ultrasound, CT-Scan and MRI)
- Endoscopy of respiratory and digestive tracts
- Biopsies
- Lung wash
- Retrieval of foreign bodies
- Balloon dilation of strictures
- Bone marrow cytology or biopsy
- Joint taps with cytological and bacterial analysis

American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Veterinray partner (documents on diabetes mellitus)