Claudia McNeil

Dre Claudia McNeil

Dr. McNeil is a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College in 1999. Subsequently, she practiced emergency
medicine in Calgary (Alberta) and then in West Palm Beach (Florida) from 1999 to 2003. Dr. McNeil subsequently
joined the center and has worked at DMV Centres’s emergency department full time since 2003.

Hélène Dufour

Dre Hélène Dufour

After two years of a minor in biology at the University of Montreal (1993-1995), Dr. Dufour was admitted in
Veterinary Medicine at the University of Montreal in St-Hyacinthe, and graduated in 1999. She subsequently
completed an internship in small animals at DMV Veterinary Center from 1999 to 2000. Dr. Dufour was subsequently
hired full time as an emergency veterinarian and has since been with DMV. She is our “night owl”!

Valérie Sauvé

Dre Valérie Sauvé

Emergency departement, Intensive care

Dr. Sauvé graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Université de Montréal in 2000. She pursued
further training at the University of Guelph as a small animal intern. Finally, Dr. Sauvé joined the
internationally recognized Critical Care Department at the University of Pennsylvania for residency training.
Her main research and publication interests include feline medicine, respiratory and renal disease, sepsis and
shock. Dr. Sauvé has been a Diplomate of the American College of Emergency & Critical Care since 2004, working
in New York City before returning recently home to Montréal.

Dr Jérôme Planté chirurgien vétérinaire spécialisé

Dr Jérôme Planté

vétérinaire spécialisé en Chirurgie
CENTREDMVET Montréal – Lachine

Le Docteur Jérôme Planté est diplômé en 1991 de l’École Nationale Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort (E.N.V.A,
France) et
Lauréat de la Faculté de Médecine de Créteil. Il a réalisé un internat spécialisé en chirurgie des animaux de
compagnie à L’ENVA, de 1991 à 1993 puis, il a complété un programme de résidence en chirurgie des animaux de
compagnie à la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal, de 1993 à 1996. Il a ainsi obtenu un
diplôme d’études spécialisées en chirurgie (DES), en 1996.

Il a occupé le poste de chirurgien clinicien à la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal,
1996 à 1997. Il a réussi les examens de certification de l’European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS), en
1997, et a reçu le titre de Diplômé actif de l’ECVS.

Il a été vice-président de la Fondation DMV de 2000 à 2010.

Le Dr Jérôme Planté pratique autant des chirurgies orthopédiques (fractures, luxation de la rotule, rupture du
ligament croisé cranial, dysplasie de la hanche et du coude, arthroscopie, correction de difformités angulaire
etc.), que des chirurgies neurologiques (hernie discale, fracture vertébrale, Wobbler syndrome) ou de tissus
(chirurgies oncologique, cardiaque, pulmonaire, endocrinienne, digestive et urinaire). Depuis 2004, il est l’un
rares chirurgiens au Québec certifiés pour la technique de TPLO pour la correction de la rupture du ligament
cranial (Slocum Enterprises).

Il travaille avec le Docteur Jean-Jacques Kona Boun anesthésiste au centre DMV pour assurer une supervision
des anesthésies et du confort postopératoire de ses patients. Il travaille aussi en collaboration avec Elise
Renaut-Roy qui dirige le service de Physiothérapie Animale au Centre DMV afin d’assurer une récupération
optimale à
ses patients et un retour à des activités athlétiques.

Le Dr Jérôme Planté a suivi de nombreuses formations chirurgicales telles que l’arthroscopie, la laparoscopie et
thoracoscopie, Les techniques d’excision de lobes hépatiques, la technique du clou verrouillé, la technique de
sliding humeral osteotomie (SHO), la prothèse totale de coude (prothèse TATE), les techniques de Limb sparing et
technique d’ostéotomie de nivellement du plateau tibial (TPLO).

Il a créé, en 1998, le premier programme d’internat spécialisé en chirurgie vétérinaire dans un établissement
au Québec (au Centre DMV). Depuis, il forme chaque année deux à trois internes spécialisés. Il est aussi le
fondateur associé en 2008 du premier programme de résidence de chirurgie vétérinaire dans un établissement privé
Québec (au Centre DMV) et a co-supervisé la formation de deux résidents en chirurgie.

Le Dr Jérôme Planté a réalisé des projets de recherche sur les chirurgies de la dysplasie de la hanche et de la
rupture du ligament croisé cranial chez le chien (TPLO).

Il est l’auteur de nombreux articles de chirurgie dans la littérature vétérinaire internationale. Il donne
régulièrement des conférences et des ateliers de formation en chirurgie vétérinaire.

Le Dr Jérôme Planté pratique la chirurgie spécialisée des animaux de compagnie au Centre vétérinaire DMV depuis
septembre 1997 et offre ses services de consultation en chirurgie au centre vétérinaire DMV de Montréal.


De Arburn Parent R, Benamou J, Gatineau M, J Planté & all- « Cranial bone plating for the treatment of
distal radius-ulna fractures in miniature and toy breed dogs: 102 cases (2008-2015) » JAVMA 2016

Cabon Q, Planté J, Gatineau M – « Digital flexor tendon contracture treated by tenectomy: different clinical
presentations in three cats. » Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, July 2015

Javard R, Specchi S, Benamou J, Lapointe C, Desffontaines JB, Planté J, D’Anjou MA. Ileocecocolic volvulus in a
German sheperd dog Can Vet J 2014; 55(11) : 1096-9

Sicotte V, Benamou J, Fifle L, Planté J et al: Use of surgery and mitoxantrone chemotherapy in a dog with
disseminated lymphangiosarcoma, JAVMA 2012, Vol 241, No. 12,

Gatineau M, Dupuis J, Planté J, Moreau M – “Retrospective study of 476 cases of Tibial Plateau Leveling
Osteotomy, rate of subsequent “pivot shift”, meniscal tear and risk factors associated with complications” Vet
Comp Orthop Traumatol 2011; 2:333-341

Gatineau M, Planté J – “Ulnar interlocking intramedullary nail stabilization of a proximal radio-ulnar fracture
in a dog” Vet Surg 2010; 39:1025-1029

Gatineau M, Dupuis J, Planté J – “Management of distal radius and ulna fractures in small- and miniature- breed
dogs” Le Rapporteur, February-March 2009 [In French]

Gatineau M, Dupuis J, Planté J, El Warrak AO – “Dynamic extra-articular stabilization of the canine stifle joint
after cranial cruciate ligament rupture: TPLO and TTA, a review” Le Point Vétérinaire n° 290, November 2008 [In

Dunié-Mérigot, J. Planté : Un cas de fracture faciale comminutive. L’Action Vétérinaire. N°1711. Mars 2005 –
Dunié-Mérigot. J. Planté: Luxation scapulohumérale latérale chez un chien. L’Action Vétérinaire. N°1721. 25 mai
2005. p6-9.
Leclerc, J. Planté: Les méthodes diagnostiques de l’abdomen aigu. Le Médecin vétérinaire du Québec, Volume 31,
no3, 2001, 141
Erdmann, J. Planté: Suivi post-opératoire de 22 cas de thyroidectomie chez le chat. Le Médecin vétérinaire du
Québec. Volume 29, no4, 1999, 207-208.
Planté, J. Dupuis, G. Beauregard, N.H. Bonneau, L. Breton: Long term results of conservative treatment, excision
arthroplasty of the femoral head and neck and triple pelvic osteotomy for the treatment of hip dysplasia in the
immature dog: radiographic and physical results. V.C.O.T. 1997; 10:101-110
Planté, J. Dupuis, G. Beauregard, N.H. Bonneau, L. Breton : Long term results of conservative treatment,
excision arthroplasty of the femoral head and neck and triple pelvic osteotomy for the treatment of hip
dysplasia in the immature dog: analysis of he ground reaction forces. V.C.O.T. 1997; 10:130-135.
Pibarot P, Dupuis J, Grisneaux E, Cuvelliez S, Planté J,Beauregard G, Bonneau NH, Bouffard J, B lais D:
Comparison of ketoprofen, oxymorphone hydrochloride and butorphanol in the treatment of postoperative pain in
dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1997, 15; 211(4): 438-44

Lacroix, P. Moissonnier, J. Planté: La torsion du pédicule vasculaire de la rate. Point vétérinaire, vol.25, n
157, 73-83. 1994.
Liens : European College of Veterinary Surgeons

Dominique Paquette

Dre Dominique Paquette


Dr. Dominique Paquette received her degree in veterinary medicine from the University of Montreal in 2005. She did an internship in small animal medicine and surgery from 2005-06. Subsequently, she began a residency in medical neurology at the same hospital in California, USA at the California Animal Hospital from 2006 to 2009. She is a member of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine specialty in Neurology since 2010.

Dr. Paquette joined the DMV Centres in September 2009. Her main interests include seizures, neuromuscular diseases and congenital malformations. Dr. Paquette is available by appointment and on emergency basis Tuesday to Friday.

Nadia Pagé

Dre Nadia Pagé

Dr. Pagé received her degree from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Université de Montréal in 1992. She
thereafter completed a Master’s degree in clinical sciences. In 2000, having completed a residency in veterinary
dermatology, she obtained her diplomate status from the American College of Veterinary Dermatology.

Between 1994 and 2002, Dr. Pagé worked as a clinician at the dermatology service of the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine of the Université de Montreal, contributing to clinical education of last year students. She is
currently working full time at the DMV Centres since 2002. Her interests include otitis and infectious cutaneous
diseases but what she loves the most in the practice of veterinary dermatology, a specialty with many chronic
diseases, is the personalized approach of each patient to maximize his comfort and quality of life. It is a
great teamwork with the owners of these pets!

In her spare time, Nadia loves to garden, great food in good company, and to spend time with her beloved three
cats, Jello, Bikini and Kaki.

Hugues Lacoste

Dr Hugues Lacoste


Dr. Hugues Lacoste earned his B.Sc. in immunology from McGill University in 1998. He then pursued his studies at
the Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal from 1998 to 2002. He completed his general
internship at Florida Veterinary Specialists and Cancer Treatment Center in 2003. Due to his growing interest in
immunology and oncology, he pursued his professional development with a medical oncology residency at the
University of Illinois from 2003 to 2006. During the same year, he was received as a Diplomat of American
College of Veterinary Internal Medecine (Oncology). He became the oncologist at the DMV Veterinary Centre in
September 2006. Dr. Lacoste also obtained a Master’s degree in oncological science in 2007. His research
interest consisted of the palliative treatment of canine appendicular osteosarcoma using injectable pamidronate.

Since 2010, he operates the only radiation oncology service in Québec (Cobalt 60). He teaches the Basic
Immunology class for second year students at the FMV in St-Hyacinthe. He is the supervisor for general
internship program at the DMV Veterinary Center.

Hugo Joly

Dr Hugo Joly

Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Joly has since 2000 held a degree from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Université de Montréal. In
2001 he completed his Internship in Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the same institution, in small-animal
medicine. Dr. Joly worked in private practice from 2001 to 2005, at the DMV Centre. He completed a residency in
diagnostic imaging at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Sainte-Hyacinthe from 2005 to July 2008.

Hélaine Haltrecht

Dre Hélaine Haltrecht

Acupuncture and holistic care

A degree holder of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Université de Montréal since 1981, Dr. Haltrecht
worked for 10 years in New York, in a practice specializing in pet medicine. She obtained her Certificate in
Animal Acupuncture in 1994 and a Certificate of Certified Veterinary Herbalist in 2003. She’s been working in
veterinary acupuncture in Montreal since 1995.

She contributes articles and information about veterinary acupuncture to newspapers, radio and television. In
addition to her regular conference work in Canada and the U.S., she has contributed to conferences in Cuba and
Israel. Dr. Haltrecht taught at the School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts, near Boston, and has been teaching
at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at UdeM for several years.