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Les membres de l\équipe DMV.
Dre Kate Alexander
Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
After obtaining her veterinary degree (DMV) from the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire of l’Université de Montréal
in 1998, Kate undertook an internship in large animal medicine and surgery at the Ontario Veterinary College
(University of Guelph). In 1999, she joined an equine ambulatory medicine practice in McMinnville, Oregon. She
was accepted into a residency and Master’s program in veterinary radiology in 2001 at The Ohio State University,
which she completed in 2004 and which lead to specialty certification by the American College of Veterinary
Radiology. In 2012, she obtained a veterinary education certificate from the Royal Veterinary College.
Returning to the FMV in 2004, Kate participated in the diagnostic imaging clinical service of the CHUV and in a
number of research projects, mostly involving renal and osseous CT and musculoskeletal MRI. She was highly
involved in teaching innovations students in the DMV program. She also co-founded the first veterinary
diagnostic imaging residency program in Quebec. Since 2014, Kate has worked in the DMV Centers’ diagnostic imaging department,
developing the ultrasound service at DMV South and expanding the referral radiographic interpretation service
(DMV Radio-Vision). She also helped implement a new high-field
MRI service in 2019. Kate regularly presents continuing education conferences in radiology for general
practitioners in Quebec.
Accomplishements and Awards:
- Board member, Centres DMV, since 2018.
- Council member, American College of Veterinary Radiology, since 2015. President in 2020.
- Examiner, American College of Veterinary Radiology, 2012-15
- Pfizer award for teaching excellence, 2011.
- Award of excellence in teaching, Université de Montréal, Assistant professor category, 2009
Associations and Professionnal Memberships:
- Choquette A, Del Castillo JRE, Moreau M, Guillot M, Alexander K, Kona-Boun JJ, Gauvin D, Troncy E. Comparison of lidocaine and lidocaine-epinephrine for the paravertebral brachial plexus block in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg. 2017 Mar;44(2):317-328.
- Cléroux A, Alexander K, Beauchamp G, Dunn M. Evaluation for association between urolithiasis and chronic kidney disease in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2017 Apr 1;250(7):770-774.
- Zoller G, Langlois I, Alexander K. Glomerular Filtration rate determination by computed tomography in two pet rabbits with renal disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2017 Mar 15;250(6):681-687.
- Auger M, Alexander K, Beauchamp G, Dunn M Use of CT to evaluate and compare intranasal features in brachycephalic and normocephalic dogs. J Small An Pract. 2016 Aug 10; 57(10): 529-536
- De Lasalle J, Alexander K, Olive J, Laverty S. Comparisons among radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography for ex vivo characterization of stifle osteoarthritis in the horse. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2016 Sep;57(5):489-501.
- Trencart P, Alexander K, De Lasalle J, Laverty S Radiographic evaluation of the width of the femorotibial joint space in horses. Am J Vet Res. 2016 Feb;77(2):127-36.
- Olive J, Javard R, Specchi S, Bélanger MC, Bélanger C, Beauchamp G, Alexander K Effect of cardiac and respiratory cycles on vertebral heart score measured on fluoroscopic images of healthy dogs J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2015 May 15;246(10):1091-7
- Bercier M, Alexander K, Gorow A, Pye GW Computed tomography and magnetic resonance for the advanced imaging of the normal nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). J Zoo Wildl Med. 2014 Dec;45(4):766-74
- Finck C, D’Anjou MA, Alexander K, Specchi S, Beauchamp G. Radiographic diagnosis of mechanical obstruction in dogs based on relative small intestinal external diameters Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2014 ;55(5):472-9.
- Alexander K, Dallaire S, Bélisle M, Fernandez N, Doucet M. Diagnostic imaging learning resources evaluated by students and recent graduates. J Vet Med Educ. 2013;40(3):252-63
- Fontaine P, Blond L, Alexander K, Beauchamp G, Richard H, Laverty S Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the study of joint development in the equine pelvic limb. Vet J 2013 Jul;197(1):103-11.
- Espinosa P, Lacourt M, Alexander K, David F, Laverty S. Fragmentation of the proximal tubercle of the talus, 10 cases. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2013 Apr 1;242(7):984-91
- Alexander K, Joly H, Blond L, D’Anjou MA, Nadeau MÈ, Olive J, Beauchamp G A comparison of computed tomography, computed radiography, and film-screen radiography for the detection of canine pulmonary nodules. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2012 May-Jun;53(3):258-65.
- Bongrand Y, Blais M-C, Alexander K Atypical pneumonia associated with a Mycoplasma isolate in a kitten. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2012;53:1109–1113.
- Alexander, K, Joly, H, Blond, L, d’Anjou, M-A, Nadeau, M-È, Olive, J, Beauchamp, G A comparison of CT, computed radiography and film-screen radiography for the detection of canine pulmonary nodules Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2012;53(3):258-65.
- Granger A, Armbrust LJ, Rankin D, Ghering R, Bello N, Alexander K Estimation of glomerular filtration rate in 10 healthy cats using single-slice dynamic CT and Patlak Plot analysis. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2012;53(2):181-188.
- Benamou J, Lussier B, Alexander K, Gains MJ, Savard C Diagnosis of a feline scapular aneurysmal bone cyst by the use of combined imaging features and histopathology. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2012 Jan 1;240(1):69-74.
- De Swarte M, Alexander K, d’Anjou MA, Rannou B, Blond L, Beauchamp G Comparison of sonographic features of benign and neoplastic deep lymph nodes in dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2011;52(4):451-6
- Alexander K, Dunn M, Carmel EN, Lavoie JP, Del Castillo JR Clinical application of Patlak plot CT-GFR in animals with upper urinary tract disease. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2010;51(4):421-7.
- Alexander K Radiology Corner: Reducing Error in Radiographic Interpretation, Can Vet J May 2010;51: 533-536.
- Alexander K, Authier S, del Castillo JRE, Arora V, Qi S, Guillot M, Beauchamp G, Troncy E Patlak plot analysis CT-GFR for the determination of renal function: Comparison of normal dogs with autologous kidney transplant dogs. Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 2010;5(3):133–139.
- Olive J, d’Anjou MA, Alexander K, Laverty S, Theoret C. Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and radiography for assessment of noncartilaginous changes in equine metacarpophalangeal osteoarthritis Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2010 May-Jun;51(3):267-79
- Olive J, d’Anjou MA, Alexander K, Beauchamp G, Théoret C. Correlation of signal attenuation-based quantitative magnetic resonance imaging with quantitative computed tomographic measurements of subchondral bone mineral density in metacarpophalangeal joints of horses. Am J Vet Res 2010 Apr;71(4):412-20
- Gatineau M, Lussier B, Alexander K Multiple Follicular Cysts of the Ear Canal in a Dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2010;46 107-114
- Bourzac C, Alexander K, Rossier Y, Laverty S Comparison of radiographic and ultrasonographic examination for the diagnosis of osteochondritis dissecans in the equine femoropatellar joint. Equine Vet J 2009; 41, 686-692
- Bouchgua M, Alexander K, d’Anjou MA, Girard CA, Carmel EN, Beauchamp G, Richard H, Laverty S Use of routine clinical multimodality imaging in a rabbit model of osteoarthritis–part I. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2009;17(2):188-96
- Bouchgua M, Alexander K, Carmel EN, d’Anjou MA, Beauchamp G, Richard H, Laverty S Use of routine clinical multimodality imaging in a rabbit model of osteoarthritis–part II: bone mineral density assessment. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2009;17(2):197-204.
- Relave F, Meulyzer M, Alexander K, Beauchamp G, Marcoux M Comparison of radiography and ultrasonography to detect osteochondrosis lesions in the tarsocrural joint: a prospective study. Equine Vet J 2009;41(1):34-40.
- Guillot M, d’Anjou M-A, Alexander K, Bédard C, Desnoyers M, Beauregard G, del Castilllo, JE. Sonographic signs that predict the results of liver fine-needle aspiration: A prospective study in 70 dogs with suspected liver disease. Vet Radiol and Ultrasound 2009; 50(5): 513-518.
- Joly H, d’Anjou MA, Alexander K, Beauchamp G. Comparison of different helical CT protocols for the detection of soft tissue pulmonary nodules in the dog. Vet Radiol and Ultrasound 2009; 50(3): 279-84.
- Gadbois J, d’Anjou MA, Dunn M, Alexander K, Beauregard G, D’Astous J, De Carufel M, Breton L, Beauchamp G Radiographic abnormalities in cats with feline bronchial disease and intra- and interobserver variability in radiographic interpretation: 40 cases (1999-2006). J Am Vet Med Assoc 2009;234(3):367-75
- Alexander K, Huneault LM, d’Anjou MA, Foster R. Magnetic resonance imaging and marsupialization of a hemorrhagic cervical intramedullary vascular anomaly in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 2008; 232(3) :399-404.
- David F, Savard C, Drolet R, Alexander K, Pang DSJ, Laverty S. Congenital Branchial Apparatus Malformation in a Haflinger Colt. Veterinary Surgery, 2008:37(1):3-11.
- Alexander K, Ybarra N, del Castillo JRE, Morin V, Gauvin D, Bichot S, Beauchamp G, Troncy E. Determination of glomerular filtration rate in anesthetized pigs by use of three-phase whole-kidney computed tomography and Patlak plot analysis. Am J Vet Res 2008;69(11):1455-62.
- Buczinski S, Fecteau G, Alexander K, Carmel EN, Use of magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of upper respiratory obstruction in a calf. Can Vet J, 2008 :49(3) :275-279.
- Richard E and Alexander K, Tutorial Article: Non-conventional radiographic projections in the equine orthopaedic examination. Equine Vet Educ, 2007 :19 :551-559.
- Mareschal A, d’Anjou MA, Moreau M, Alexander K, Beauregard G. Ultrasonographic measurement of kidney-to-aorta ratio as a method of estimating renal size in dogs. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, 2007;48(5): 434–438.
- Munsterman AS, Alexander K, Samii VF, Latimer FG. Computed tomography in the diagnosis of septic physitis in two foals. Case Report. Equine Vet Educ, 2007 :19:200-206.
- Alexander K, del Castillo JRE, Ybarra N, Morin V, Gauvin D, Authier S, Vinay P, Troncy É. Single slice, dynamic computed tomographic determination of glomerular filtration rate (CT-GFR) in anesthetized pigs using Patlak plot analysis. Am J Vet Res, 2007;68(3):297–304.
- David F, Rougier M, Alexander K, Morisset S. Ultrasound-guided coxofemoral arthrocentesis in horses. Equine Vet J, 2007;39(1):79-83.
- Witte S, Alexander K, Bucellato M, Sofaly C, Fife W, Hinchcliffe KW. Congenital atlantoaxial luxation associated with malformation of the dens axis in a Quarter Horse foal. Case report. Equine Vet Educ 2005:17:175-178
- Alexander K, Drost WT, Mattoon JS, Kowalski JJ, Funk JA Uptake of 99mTc-ciprofloxacin versus 99mTc-pertechnetate into live and killed equine isolate of Escherichia coli. Can J Vet Res 2005:69(4):272-277.
- Alexander K, Drost WT, Mattoon JS, Anderson DE 99mMTC-ciprofloxacin in imaging of clinical infections in camelids and a goat. Vet Radiol and Ultrasound 2005:46(4):340-347
- Alexander K, Dobson H Peripheral nerve ultrasonography in the normal adult horse. Vet Radiol and Ultrasound 2003;44(4):456-65.
- Alexander K, Baird JD, Parsons DA, Dobson H What is your diagnosis? Displaced avulsion fracture of the basisphenoid-basioccipital bone. JAVMA 2002;220(3):297-8.
Dre Angelika Stock
Dre Stock graduated in veterinary medicine at the University of Munich in Germany in 1981. She wrote then a doctoral
thesis ( in bovine reproduction in 1984 and worked then as a staff member in the veterinary ambulatory
service of the University. She continued clinical research studies in bovine and equine reproduction at Cornell
University, NY, in the United States and completed a PhD at the same University. Upon arrival in Québec in 1994 she
enrolled in a postdoctoral program on in vitro fertilization of bovine embryos at the University of Montreal,
followed by a residency in theriogenology (reproductive veterinary medicine) at the same University, during which
time she realized the growing need for a small animal reproductive specialist in Quebec. She works since 1999 in
small animal reproduction in a private setting and has established a big canine semen bank and continues to
collaborate with researchers in animal reproduction at the University of Montreal. In 2008, she has become board
certified by the American College of Theriogenologists with emphasis in small animal reproduction and is since then
one of the 4 board certified specialists in small animal reproduction in Canada. Dre Stock has given numerous
conferences to dog and cat breeders, veterinarians and technicians and is willing to share her expertise whenever
asked. Dre Stock has joined the DMV Centres in 2014.
Reproduction services at DMV South!
Dre Angelika Stock offers assisted reproduction services for small animals on the South shore of Montreal at
DMV-Sud, 1655, Blvd de Promenades in Saint Hubert. Dre Stock is one of the 4 board certified veterinarians in small
animal reproduction in Canada and the only one in Québec. Her expertise is offered to dog and cat breeders as well
as her colleagues in veterinary practice. Dre Stock has clinical, teaching and research experience for 30 years in
theriogenology (reproductive veterinary medicine) and has worked in Germany, her native country and in United States
before arriving in Quebec. Her services described below are offered exclusively at DMV-Sud, Saint
Breeding management with ovulation timing, insemination (vaginal, endoscopic or surgical), genetic testing for dog
and cats, pre-breeding consultations of male and female, import and export of chilled and frozen semen, freezing of
semen (straws or pellets) and long-term storage in her canine semen bank (CSBoCH-M), ultrasonography of female and
male genital organs, pregnancy diagnosis via ultrasound or radiography, follow-up for infertility cases in male and
female, consultations regarding abnormalities of female and male genital organs (i.e. pyometra, prostate problems)
medical treatments for mismating, medical treatment for pyometra, Herpes and Brucella testing, consultation
regarding any emergency considering female and male reproduction as well as newborns
Appointments are made directly with her via her cell phone 514-371-1762 or her e-mail ([email protected]) for appointments and emergencies in
animal reproductive medicine
Dr Pierre Lassonde
Euthanasia at home
Dr. Lassonde graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal in 1985. He practiced
companion animal medicine in Montreal for 26 years. He earned a certificate in veterinary dentistry in 1994. For
nearly 27 years, Dr. Lassonde has practiced at home euthanasia for people who want to offer their companion, and
share with him, this special moment with dignity, respect and compassion.
France Carlos
Special services – Grief Support Service
Ms. Carlos is a graduated therapist from the “Centre de Relation d’aide de Montréal” since 1997. She is the
author of the book published under the Broquet Edition “Deuil animalier”and was invited to several television
and radio programs. Journals “Passionnément Chien”, “Canis Familiaris” and “Animal” Magazine have published
several articles on pet bereavement. Sheis responsible for the French part of research on the impact of animal
bereavement led by Dr. Wendy Packman Pacific Graduate School of Psychology in Redwood City, California.
Dre Josée Girard
Following the obtention of her Applied Zoology baccalaureate at McGill University (2004-2007), Dre Girard has
completed her Veterinary Medecine Doctorate at Montreal University in 2012.
During her 5 years of medecine, she was involved in many departments of the Veterinary University Hospital
Center in St-Hyacinthe and was the person in charge of the Small mammals adoption refuge during 3 years. She
continued with an internship in the DMV Centres. Now, she is a full time DMV clinician.